Sunday, March 16, 2014

Let it be

You and I, we are a splash of red and blue
against the bright skies
and rocky red plateaus.

You and I, we are a shared glance
and a hearty guffaw
in front of a flickering screen.

We are a breath of fresh air and
footsteps padding in tandem and
contagious smiles

We are interrupted

These pictures, these feelings
a self-inflicted torture
the uncertainty is suffocating
and we bury our heads in pillows
and music boxes.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Orange. Green. The blue bursts unpredictably across the square
the 28th forms an X only because its neighbors do
(inference by association)
you have to toss that marker, felt tip crusty with age,
one more survivor of the nine-year-old bunch
bites the dust.

Vague recollections of wandering the aisles under
fluorescent lights, finding one hundred colors, consuming,
adding them to a black canvas bag of paints and origami paper
things collecting dust and cobwebs and tiny tumbleweeds of hair
things intermittently resurrected
things let go: there, but no longer part of your life.

Thick orange like the skin of a clementine
has been your weapon of choice for this countdown
with no endpoint
and the bold lines simply remind you
that time drones on and on and the present
offers a brighter source of hope
than the future.