Friday, March 27, 2015


Silence, are you my friend or foe?
Thought the world of you until you showed me we were
never meant to be alone, you and I, together,
like cotton and fire, boys and girls on motorbikes,
mixing butter and yogurt with rice: too dangerous
so explosive that we became taboo
old wives' tales that scare young children
that unripe adolscents scoff at until they too
have grown wrinkled and wag their fingers,
shake their canes at the nonsense we do.

We were meant to be connected, now too connected
and I feel your absence with every breath, every measured step.

You were my muse, you begged me to twirl fingers
in those long curly locks and I could not resist
And how I succumbed to your seduction every time

Now I am a pilgrim and the weight of your death
drags down my shoulders, drips down my spine
like blood and honey for the ants, for the flies

With every step, every measured breath, I carry your wilted corpse
I cannot let go of you, my dear
I cannot