Thursday, July 10, 2014


That blue summer dream whispers itself in your ear

She leaves her thoughts hanging on your lower lip
and it is so weighed down that you look perpetually paused
as if searching for words

That blue summer dream whispers itself in your ear
and you wonder if that's what's tickling you or if
it's only your imagination reveling in its own cruelty

The smoggy sunset, the witty words like ping pong balls
bouncing back and forth between practiced hands
that never tire of their paddles.
Somehow, because your eyes have locked,
because your weary bodies find respite from
the isolating worlds that constantly threaten to engulf you
in each other's arms,
because your selective memories pretend
terrible things have not happened,
terrible things that you yourself have carved in stone
with chisels and mallets on the hearts of the innocent,
you two still find love
and overlooking the squalor, the misery, the crime, the poverty
etched into the city streets,
you two find the world perfect
in an ironic and nauseating way.

That blue summer dream whispers herself in your ear
and rests her finger in the small of your back where only lovers
dare to go
and your eyes dilate
and her lips graze your earlobe
and you tremble wishing
you didn't want more

only when she slips away
does the salt stir the intelligence of the raw bleeding wounds
she has left everywhere
she touched you

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